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trans·la·tion \tran(t)s-ˈlā-shən,
an act, process, or instance of rendering; a change of substance, form, or appearance, a transformation of coordinates, in which new axes are parallel to old ones, uniform motion of a body in a straight line, removal of relics to a new place, transfer of meaning, a carrying across and a casting off.


delicate/ssen/ (adj.)
del·i·ca·tes·sen \ˌde-li-kə-ˈte-sən\ late 14c., "self-indulgent, loving ease; delightful; sensitive, easily hurt; feeble," from Latin delicatus "alluring, delightful, dainty," also "addicted to pleasure, luxurious, effeminate;" which is of uncertain origin; related by folk etymology (and perhaps genuinely) to deliciae "a pet," and delicere "to allure, entice".

Crafting Wilderness

wilderness wil·der·ness \ˈwil-dər-nəs\ 1a (1) :  a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings (2) :  an area essentially undisturbed by human activity together with its naturally developed life communityb :  an empty or pathless area or regionc :  a part of a garden devoted to wild growth 2 obsolete :  wild or uncultivated state 3a :  a confusing multitude or mass :  an indefinitely great number or quantity b :  a bewildering situation