All tagged petra tomljanovic


(combining form)
Queer causality, disruption of dis/continuity, a disruption so destabilizing, so downright dizzying, that it is difficult to believe that it is that which makes for the stability of existence itself. Multispecies are not the interconnectedness of things or events separated in space and time. They are enfoldings of spacetimematterings. They are “Becomings”—new kinds of relations emerging from nonhierarchical alliances, symbiotic attachments, and the mingling of creative agents.



par·a·site \ˈper-ə-ˌsīt, ˈpa-rə-\
1 : There are two kinds of parasitism.  The first,  more direct,  though very wily and devious;  the second,  more mediate,  thematises the relation,  complicates it,  raises it to relations of relations.  As if the para parasite were being invented,  as if the difference were differed,  as if the distance were distanced.  A first ruse,  a ruse of the ruse,  ad infinitum.


trans·la·tion \tran(t)s-ˈlā-shən,
an act, process, or instance of rendering; a change of substance, form, or appearance, a transformation of coordinates, in which new axes are parallel to old ones, uniform motion of a body in a straight line, removal of relics to a new place, transfer of meaning, a carrying across and a casting off.


delicate/ssen/ (adj.)
del·i·ca·tes·sen \ˌde-li-kə-ˈte-sən\ late 14c., "self-indulgent, loving ease; delightful; sensitive, easily hurt; feeble," from Latin delicatus "alluring, delightful, dainty," also "addicted to pleasure, luxurious, effeminate;" which is of uncertain origin; related by folk etymology (and perhaps genuinely) to deliciae "a pet," and delicere "to allure, entice".

Crafting Wilderness

wilderness wil·der·ness \ˈwil-dər-nəs\ 1a (1) :  a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings (2) :  an area essentially undisturbed by human activity together with its naturally developed life communityb :  an empty or pathless area or regionc :  a part of a garden devoted to wild growth 2 obsolete :  wild or uncultivated state 3a :  a confusing multitude or mass :  an indefinitely great number or quantity b :  a bewildering situation

From Singapore With Love


from Sanskrit Simhapuram "Lion City," from simhah "lion" + puram "city," from PIE *tpolh- "citadel, fortified high place" (see polis). The name is perhaps metaphoric of something, as no lions are found there. Singapore sling attested from 1930; said on the island to have been invented there 1915 by a barman named Ngian Tong Dron.

Home and without it – what to take and what to leave behind

home noun \ˈhōm\ 1a :  one's place of residence :  domicile has been away from home for two weeks a place to call homeb2 :  the social unit formed by a family living together trying to make a good home for her children comes from a broken home 3a :  a familiar or usual setting :  congenial environment; also :  the focus of one's domestic attention home is where the heart is

Clothes for playing with spirits

memory noun mem·o·ry \ˈmem-rē, ˈme-mə-\ 1a :  the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms began to lose his memory as he grew olderb :  the store of things learned and retained from an organism's activity or experience as evidenced by modification of structure or behavior or by recall and recognition has a good memory for faces 2a :  commemorative remembrance erected a statue in memory of the hero